The Evillious Chronicles Wiki

For other uses, see The Muzzle of Nemesis (disambiguation)

The Muzzle of Nemesis is an album released by Akuno-P on August 17, 2014. It was distributed at Comic Market 86 and features ten songs.[1] The album's jacket was illustrated by Ichika.


  1. Master of the Hellish Yard
  2. The Muzzle of Nemesis
  3. The Last Revolver (Nemesis Version)
  4. And Then the Girl Went Mad -Ending Tale on a Moonlit Night-
  5. The Journey of Two Mages ~Great Wall and Watchman~
  6. Blink
  7. Handbeat Clocktower
  8. Flower of the Plateau
  9. Bloodstained Switch
  10. Watching Us




Conceptualization and Origin

  • The album's title is derived from the song of the same name featured in its tracklist; it likewise shares the same possible name origins as the song.
  • Prior to the song's announcement, mothy posted a poem entitled "Nemesis" on twitter, seemingly alluding to the events depicted in the album; at the end of the poem, mothy stated it was a late night work and didn't have any meaning.[2]


  • Nemesis Sudou is featured on the album's cover with cracked "glass" from a gunshot stretching along both sides of the cover.
  • The bullets in the gun barrel seen in the background of the front cover reads "Evillious TMN Album"; the six bullets also seen on the front cover are inscribed with the Latin names for the Seven Deadly Sins, with the bullet labeled "Avaritia" being at the forefront.


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