The Evillious Chronicles Wiki

Onigashima[1] was an island off the southern coast of Jakoku located on the west side of the Izasa region. It acted as a major trading hub with the western world during Jakoku's largely isolationist era.


Early History

At some point, the island became a part of Jakoku, having a single harbor with the town of Enbizaka being founded in its center. Following the end of the civil war in EC 549, Gaou Octo was promoted to magistrate of the region, later sealing the Twin Blades of Levianta in a cave in Mount Izasa. Starting in EC 580, any foreigners captured by Gaou and his successors were deported to Onigashima, becoming a center for limited trade with foreign nations.[2]

Western Outreach

In EC 838, a fire ravaged Enbizaka, wiping out a large part of Onigashima's population and architecture; the town was rebuilt over the next four years. In EC 842, the island's population was thrown into a panic following the Enbizaka Murderer Scandal perpetrated by Kayo Sudou. Ten years later, a Maistian fleet led by Perrié Cutie Marlon forced Onigashima and the rest of Jakoku to end its isolationism and conduct full free trade with foreigners.[3]




A city in the middle of the island, located along the hill slopes. It became a hub for trade during the EC 800s, and contained numerous shops and firm branches. It was the site of the Enbizaka Murderer Scandal.

Main Article: Enbizaka

Mount Izasa


A volcano located north of Enbizaka. It had at least one cave.


A port for ships. It mainly accepted merchant ships from foreign countries.

Known Inhabitants


Conceptualization and Origin

  • Onigashima is the name of a mythological Japanese island where oni, the Japanese equivalent of demons or ogres, reside; Jakoku, where Onigashima is located, is inspired by Japan.
  • In a livestream, mothy stated that Enbizaka is inspired by Dejima, an artificial bay built by merchants that served as the single trade hub for Japan and other countries during the Edo period.
  • Izasa is the name of a beach that appears in a legend featuring Takemikazuchi, a thunder god in Japanese mythology, attempting to subjugate the Izumo province from the local deity Okuninushi.



  1. 鬼ヶ島
  2. Deadly Sins of Evil: The Tailor of Enbizaka
  3. Deadly Sins of Evil: The Tailor of Enbizaka